The 8 health benefits of Mastic gum (Jawline, acid reflux and more) - Spartan Health™

The 8 health benefits of Mastic gum (Jawline, acid reflux and more)

mastic gum

Resin from the mastic tree is known as MASTIC GUM (Pistacia lentiscus), and it is a native of the Mediterranean region. Mastic , sometimes referred to as tears of Chios, is historically made on the Greek island of Chios in the form of "tears" or drops.


Its pine-like smell was historically employed as flavoring in addition to being used to refresh breath. The Greek term mastichein, which means to grind one's teeth, is where the word "mastic" first appeared. The first person to record the usage of mastic gum for stomach issues, cold therapy, and, of course, breath refreshing was Hippocrates.


Mastic gum could provide a variety of therapeutic benefits. It can be consumed orally, as a tincture, powder, oil, or by chewing it like gum.


Here are a few advantages of mastic gum for health.

1. Mastic Could Protect Against Liver Damage


According to one study, people who consumed 5g of mastic gum powder daily for 18 months had lower liver enzyme levels than those who did not. Researchers came to the conclusion that Chios mastic powder could offer liver-protective qualities as a consequence.

2. Could Possess Heart-Protective Effects


The blood total cholesterol, low-density lipoprotein (LDL), or bad cholesterol, and total cholesterol/high-density lipoprotein (HDL) ratio all fell in those consuming 5g of mastic gum (mastiekboom pistacia lentiscus) daily. Better heart and blood vessel health is correlated with lower cholesterol levels.

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3. Could Be Useful for People with Chron's Disease

Chron's disease, a frequent kind of inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), causes inflammation in the digestive tract, which results in discomfort, severe diarrhea, weight loss, anemia, and exhaustion. Patients with Chron's also have a higher chance of getting colorectal cancer.


According to a research, people with Chron's-related inflammation reported significantly less symptoms after using mastic gum for four weeks. The inflammatory indicators C-reactive protein and IL-6 were also found to be at lower levels.(mastic gum bevat)


4. Might Aid in Blood Sugar Control


In one research, after just eight weeks, individuals who used mastic gum had lower blood sugar levels than those who took a placebo. Insulin resistance and diabetes can result from elevated blood sugar levels. Mastic gum has also been proven to reduce blood glucose in diabetic animal models.


Interesting findings from the human research revealed that individuals with a body mass index of more than 25 kg/m2 who were overweight or obese benefited from mastic gum the most.

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5. May Aid in Relieving Digestive Issues


Mastic gum has reportedly been shown to reduce abdominal pain and discomfort.


Mastic gum may be able to eradicate the Helicobacter pylori bacteria, a major cause of stomach ulcers. A research indicated that after two weeks of eating mastic , 19 out of 52 subjects were free of H. pylori. Mastic gum could be an excellent alternative or supplementary natural therapy to take into consideration as H. pylori becomes more and more resistant to antibiotics.


At least six more bacteria known to cause stomach ulcers have been found to be eliminated by mastic gum.


6. Might Aid in Cavity Prevention


Mutans streptococci are a kind of bacteria that can make teeth more vulnerable to developing cavities. Participants in a small research chewed mastic gum three times each day for three weeks. At the conclusion of the trial, researchers noticed that the participant's levels of Mutans streptococci were decreased.


Another risk factor for tooth decay is saliva with an acidic or low pH. The salivary pH rose in the subjects who chewed pure mastic gum, although not significantly. A higher saliva pH is still a positive finding when considering cavity prevention.

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7. Could be useful for allergic asthma


A hyperresponsive airway, inflammation, and eosinophilia—the abnormal inflow of white blood cells known as eosinophils—are symptoms of allergic asthma in patients.


Mastic gum showed a considerable reduction of eosinophilia in one research. Along with reducing airway hyperresponsiveness, it also prevented the inflammatory markers from being produced. These findings suggest that mastic gum may block the hyperactive cells that, in the presence of an allergen, produce inflammation of the airways.


Mastic gum should be a top choice for symptom management and prevention for those with allergic asthma.

8. Might Aid with Heartburn Relief


Acid reflux, sometimes known as heartburn, affects many people worldwide. If untreated, uncontrolled heartburn can develop into esophageal cancer.


In one research, 148 individuals with functional dyspepsia were examined. For three weeks, they received 350 mg of mastic gum three times every day. Compared to those who received a placebo, those who took the mastic gum had a considerable improvement in symptoms.


The group who received mastic gum saw improvements in heartburn, an aching in the upper abdomen, overall stomach discomfort, and stomach pain when stressed.

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The conclusion: 


There are several possible health advantages of mastic gum (mastiekboom pistacia lentiscus) for various bodily systems. Mastic gum can assist with a variety of health issues, including decreasing cholesterol, supporting digestion, and treating asthma and ulcers.


Mastic gum is often well-tolerated and seems to be safe, with no documented major adverse effects or medication interactions. Always talk to your doctor before beginning a new supplement regimen.


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