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Get a stronger & more pronounced Jawline.
Spartan Gum will bring visible results within 1 month.

Enhance your facial features naturally with SpartanGum™. Chewing daily defines your jawline, tightens skin, creates the "hollow cheeks" effect, and promotes optimal maxilla growth for a wider palate and larger airways.

SpartanGum™ is more than just gum—it's a stepping stone to a healthier, more confident you. Made from 100% natural ingredients (the sap of the Pistacia lentiscus tree), it's your number-one ally for achieving both optimal looks and function. Join a community of 9,000+ men and women chewing their way to functional beauty today!

What SpartanGum™ will do for you

  • Square & defined jawline: SpartanGum™️ is an efficient workout tool for your mastication muscles. Regular engagement leads to increased size which widens the lower 3rd of your face, giving you the squared-off, masculine look instead of the oval, soft features most people have nowadays.
  • No double chin: The additional width pulls the sagging skin under your jaw tight, combating the effects of aging and covering for any extra fat you might be carrying. The overall effect is a crisp separation between your jaw and your neck.
  • Achieve the "Hollow Cheek" look: The increased width of the lower jaw creates a convex shape in the cheek area, leading to the number one most recognized model facial feature.
  • Minimized water retention: Hard chewing, mobilizes stagnant fluids in the nasal and under-eye area getting rid of the dreaded "puffy-face" look. A prerequisite for prominent and well-defined features.
Regular price $32.00 USD
Regular price $40.00 USD Sale price $32.00 USD
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Choose-Your-Pack Guide

  • 😀Beginner: 1 pack - An excellent entry point for newcomers. Test things out and begin your journey toward facial fitness.
  • 😎Intermediate: 2 packs - Perfect for regular chewers. With continued use, witness notable improvements in your facial structure that'll leave others wondering.
  • 🤯Advanced: 5 packs - Tailored for those fully committed to their transformation. This pack is designed to deliver fast, visible results for those ready to accelerate their progress!
  • 🦍Ancestral: 10 packs - For the ones aspiring to imitate the chewing patterns of our forefathers. Newcomers are advised to tread carefully!

How it works

How does Spartan Gum™ improve your looks? It's simple:

Muscle Definition: Like any other muscle of your body, your masseter, temporalis, lateral pterygoid, and medial pterygoid (the muscles that move your jaw) can get bigger.

Maxilla Widening: Regular chewing of Spartan Gum™, coupled with correct tongue posture (a practice known as mewing), expedites the widening of the maxilla. This process improves your facial structure and alignment, contributing to a more symmetrical and appealing appearance.

The bigger they get, the more defined, angular and symmetrical your face will look!

How to use

  • Beginner: Start by chewing SpartanGum™️ for about 20 minutes every other day. Use two pieces at a time, allowing you to get accustomed to the unique texture and resistance of the gum.
  • Intermediate: Daily chewing for about 30 minutes using four pieces of SpartanGum™️ helps to promote hypertrophy and facilitates a stronger, more defined jawline.
  • Advanced: For the seasoned mastic gum user, taking the routine to the next level involves daily chewing for an hour using 6-8 pieces of SpartanGum™️.
  • Beyond: To emulate the chewing patterns of our ancestors, engage in prolonged chewing sessions of up to 4-6 hours a day.


Gathered from the bark of the mastiha tree, Spartan Gum™ is a natural, unprocessed resin with no additives, sugars or fillers!

Spartan Gum™ is vegan, sugar and alcohol free and of course contains no petro-chemicals & micro-plastics.


We ship world-wide and straight out of Greece, ensuring the best, freshest harvest every time! Due to shipping being international, it usually takes a few more days than domestic.

Refund policy

If after 1 month of regular use you are not satisfied with the product, you will be refunded in full no questions asked!

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Why  SpartanGum?


Jaw Workout

Chewing Spartangum gives your four primary jaw muscles—the masseter, temporalis, lateral pterygoid, and medial pterygoid—a full workout.


No Double Chin

The increased muscle size pulls the skin under your jaw tight, combating the effects of aging and covering for any extra fat you might be carrying😉.


Sharp Jawline

Tight skin creates a crisp separation between your jaw and your neck giving off that sharp jawline look.


Hollow Cheeks

The increased width of the lower jaw creates a convex shape in the cheek area, leading to the number one most recognized model facial feature.


Puffy Face

Hard chewing mobilizes stagnant fluids in the nasal and under-eye area getting rid of the dreaded "puffy-face" look. A prerequisite for prominent, well-defined features.


Fresh Breath

Chewing Spartangum tightens the skin and freshens the breath while promoting the optimal growth of the maxilla, a wider palate, and larger airways.


Gut Health

Mastic gum may relieve digestive issues by exhibiting prebiotic effects and promoting beneficial gut bacteria growth.


No Plastics - No Chemicals

Pure jaw sculpting with a single, 100% natural ingredient. No gimmicky silicone devices or synthetic micro-plastic chewing gums needed.

Side profile benefits:

The lack of definition in your jawline is due to excess skin underneath, which results from underdeveloped facial muscles. By regularly training these muscles, you increase their size and tighten the skin under your jawline, ultimately achieving a clear, distinct separation between your jaw and neck.

Front view benefits:

From a front view, the benefits are equally important. As your masseter muscles grow, you will lose the roundness or oval shape of your face. The lower third of your face will become equal in width to the middle part, creating a more square and masculine appearance. Additionally, the prominence of your developed masseter muscles will give your cheeks a convex shape and the coveted "hollow cheekbones" effect.

Spartan Gum™ Bi-Monthly Subscriptions - Spartan Health™

How Does it work?

How does SpartanGum™ improve your looks? It's simple:

Muscle Definition: Like any other muscle of your body, your masseters, temporalis, lateral pterygoids, and medial pterygoids (the muscles that move your jaw) can be trained to create a desired look.

Maxilla Widening: Regular chewing of SpartanGum™, coupled with correct tongue posture, expedites the widening of the maxilla. This process improves your facial structure and alignment, contributing to a more symmetrical and appealing appearance.

  • Results & Expectations

    Q: Will I really get a significant change in my looks?

    A: Yes! Your jawline will become significantly more defined, you will achieve a "hollow cheek" look, and your skin will become tighter and firmer.

  • Age

    Q: I am over 40, can I benefit from SpartanGum™?

    A: Yes, the same as anyone else. Facial muscle growth is not limited by age and neither is suture pliability!

  • Body Fat %

    Q: What if I am overweight?

    A: Excess fat on your face can reduce definition. However, building up the underlying structure will still enhance your appearance, even without weight loss!

  • Recessed Jawline

    Q: My jawline is recessed significantly, will this help me?

    A: Yes. The forces generated, along with proper tongue posture, will make a major difference!

  • Effort

    Q: How much work do I need to put in?

    A: Since you can practice hard chewing while going about your day, simply remember to chew at least three times a week.

  • Timeframe

    Q: When will I see results?

    A: You will notice changes within the first week, and you can achieve your goal in 2-6 months.

  • How much do I need?

    Q: Will I see results from just one order?

    A: Yes! Especially if you go with Intermediate+ you will get noticable results from one order!

  • Results Permanence

    Q: Do I need to continue chewing after I achieve my desired results?

    A: Most of your results (~80%) are permanent, even if you stop completely. If you plan to stop, consider slightly overshooting your goal.

  • Ingredients

    Q: What is SpartanGum™ made of?

    A: SpartanGum™ is made from the sap of the Pistacia lentiscus tree, grown and harvested on the Greek island of Chios.

  • Taste

    Q: What does SpartanGum™ taste like?

    A: SpartanGum™ has a mild, minty, earthy aroma and flavor that lasts for hours without diminishing.

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